Survey Paper on Opinion Mining - Online Reviews

International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS)
© 2019 by IJSMS Journal
Volume-2 Issue-5
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : S. Susmitha, A. Syedrabiya, Mrs. N. Sathyapriya
DOI: 10.51386/25815946/ijsms-v2i5p108
MLA Style: S. Susmitha, A. Syedrabiya, Mrs. N. Sathyapriya "Survey Paper on Opinion Mining - Online Reviews" International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS) V2.I5 (2019): 74-76.

APA Style: S. Susmitha, A. Syedrabiya, Mrs. N. Sathyapriya, Survey Paper on Opinion Mining - Online Reviews, International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS), v2(i5), 74-76.
Now day’s world is full of Internet, almost all work can be done with the help of it, from simple mobile phone recharge to biggest business process can be done with the help of this technology. People spent their amount of the time surfing on the Web it becomes a new source of entertainment, education, banking, social media, shopping etc. Internet users not only use these websites but also give their opinions and suggestions about internet sources that will be useful for more users who are interested in sites. Like this large amount of opinions and reviews are collected from many users on the Web that needs to be explored, analysed and organized for better decision making. Opinion Mining or Sentiment Analysis, it is widely based on Natural language processing technique and user’s reviews or opinions or suggestions are identified by the information Extraction task. The views reviewed by user explained in the form of positive, negative or natural comments and quotes underlying the text. These reviews are analysed to determine the opinion of the users about the objects. It is impossible to manually analyse those reviews. To overcome the problem, many algorithms are proposed for mining the opinions of the users. Algorithms enable us to extract opinions from the Internet and predict customer's preferences. This paper presents various techniques used for opinion classification by different authors and its accuracy in the classification of opinions.
Keywords: This paper presents various techniques used for opinion classification by different authors and its accuracy in the classification of opinions.
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