Intention to use Online Food Delivery Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia

International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS)
© 2024 by IJSMS Journal
Volume-7 Issue-4
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Yap Chu Chang, Norazirah Bt Hj Ayob, Yap Jui Loong
DOI: 10.51386/25815946/ijsms-v7i4p104
MLA Style: Yap Chu Chang, Norazirah Bt Hj Ayob, Yap Jui Loong "Intention to use Online Food Delivery Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia" International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS) V7.I4 (2024):31-42.

APA Style: Yap Chu Chang, Norazirah Bt Hj Ayob, Yap Jui Loong, Intention to use Online Food Delivery Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia, International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS), v7(i4), 31-42.
This paper aims to determine the behavioural intention of public use of online food delivery (OFD) services in Malaysia. A quantitative study was done through an online survey where respondents are within Malaysia with 526 respondents. Results revealed various push and pull factors affect the decisions of consumers' intention to use online food delivery services at an exploding rate. Therefore, this research is vital in providing the essential elements to food businesses in identifying the factors that lure consumers to order food through the online system. OFD services act as another source of revenue and a long-term marketing strategy for food businesses. This system moving forward also eases the life of busy city dwellers [20].
Keywords: Online Food Delivery, Intention to Use Online Food Delivery Services.
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