IJSMS Volume - 3 Issue - 6 November to December 2020 |
Title / Author Name |
Ref. No |
Determination of Some Air Pollutants and Meteorological Parameters in Abattoir, NTAK INYANG in UYO L.G.A of AKWA IBOM State in Nigeria
Authors : Jonah, A. E. |
IJSMS-V3I6P101 |
Mathematics as an Assessment Tool for the Development of Students’ Entrepreneurial Skills in Senior Secondary Schools in Benue State
Authors : Akaazua, Jacob. Tertsea, Akuto, Grace Wandoo |
IJSMS-V3I6P102 |
Surveillance et mise en application de la loi par les écogardes dans le Domaine de chasse de la Lwama-Kivu : un outil simple de collecte de données pour l’efficacité des aires protégées dans la conservation de la biodiversité à l’Est de la RD Congo.
Authors : Benjamin K. Wilondja, Léonard K. Mubalama, Jean Petit K. Kasiwa |
IJSMS-V3I6P103 |
Examining Causal Relationships of Tangible and Intangible Drivers Influencing Performance Assessment and Impacting Job Satisfaction Curve of Healthcare Professionals. A Study Done at Rashid Hospital, a Government Healthcare Facility in the U.A.E
Authors : Dr. Hareem Nasir Mir |
IJSMS-V3I6P104 |
Impact of Tariffs and Nontariff Barriers on the International Trade
Authors : Ibragimova Naylya Muradovna |
IJSMS-V3I6P105 |
Analysis of the Influence of Interest Rate, Rupiah Exchange Value, Household Consumption, and Import on Inflation in Indonesia Period 2010.Q1 - 2018.Q4
Authors : Jusmer Sihotang, Nancy Nopeline |
IJSMS-V3I6P106 |
The Influence of Security and Technical Quality on Intention to Use Big Blue Button for E-learning
Authors : Noor Muqaibal |
IJSMS-V3I6P107 |
Analysis of Full Time Driver Grab Income Comparison and City Minimum Wage (Case Study in Medan City)
Authors : Audrey M. Siahaan, Mei Diana N. Siahaan, Victor H. Sianipar, Oloan Simanjuntak |
IJSMS-V3I6P108 |
The Role of Organizational Culture and Transformational Leadership on Work Motivation in a Regional Government Employees
Authors : Apid Junaedi, Widodo Sunaryo, Didik Notosudjono |
IJSMS-V3I6P109 |
The Role of Servant Leadership and Work Motivation on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Evidence from Indonesian Generation Y Employees
Authors : Indra Wahyu, Anoesyirwan Moeins, Widodo Sunaryo |
IJSMS-V3I6P110 |
Enhancing Service Quality through Innovation Capabilities and Work Productivity
Authors : Ipang Sasono, Dewiana Novitasari |
IJSMS-V3I6P111 |