IJSMS is participating with the arXiv.org program sponsored by Cornell University Library to improve the citation counts of the articles and subsequent improvements in the impact factor. We also request the IJSMS authors to post your published IJSMS PDF document in the Cornell University arxiv library.
How do I post my manuscript on arXiv?
(Read this article completely then upload your article)
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While uploading the paper on arXiv, the author will be asked to submit meta-data details regarding the paper.
This section will explain the various parameters that the authors will encounter while uploading the paper.
Title : The complete name of the article. Do not use all upper case letters.
Authors: Include the names of all authors. The list of authors must be similar to the one published with IJSMS. The rule is that all names should be given in the order, Firstname Lastname or Firstname Middlename Lastname (where Lastname is your family name).
Abstract: Do not include the word "Abstract". Do not start lines with whitespace (spaces, tabs, etc.) unless you are trying to prevent arXiv's automatic line wrapping. Abstracts longer than about 20 lines will be truncated; abridge your abstract if necessary.
Comments: Indicate number of pages and number of figures. Also mention the statement "Published with International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS)"
Report-no: Leave it blank.
Category: Each arXiv article has a primary category and may also have one or more cross-lists to other categories.
Journal-ref: This field is mandatory. Copy the citation data available in the citation section on the abstract page of the article in the IJSMS website and paste the same.
An example of journal-ref is:
Praful V Nandankar, Akshay Rathod, Shivam Shukla. Article: Soft Starter for Three Phase Induction Motor. International Journal of Latest Engineering Science (IJSMS) 3(1):5-9, March to April 2020. Published by Science Research Publication.
DOI: Include the DOI allotted to the article by IJSMS. Go to the article abstract page on the IJSMS website to refer the DOI.
ACM-class: Leave the field blank
MSC-class: Leave the field blank
The authors have to include the following header (format provided) in the paper before reproducing IJSMS copyrighted articles in arXiv.
Copyright by International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS), Published by Science Research Publication. All Rights Reserved.