International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS) © 2020 by IJSMS Journal Volume-3 Issue-3 Year of Publication : 2020 Authors : Muhammad Yusuf Fadillah, Indira Rachmawati DOI: 10.51386/25815946/ijsms-v3i3p103 |
Citation: MLA Style: Muhammad Yusuf Fadillah, Indira Rachmawati "The Effect of Service Quality on Loyalty of Tri Indonesia Cellular Operator" International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS) V3.I3 (2020): 20-26. APA Style: Muhammad Yusuf Fadillah, Indira Rachmawati, The Effect of Service Quality on Loyalty of Tri Indonesia Cellular Operator, International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS), v3(i3), 20-26. |
Abstract: This research was conducted to explain service quality as the main factor that determines the level of customer satisfaction in service quality dimensions. In addition, this research investigates whether the level of service quality provided by Tri Indonesia can increase customer satisfaction in using Tri cellular operator. The respondents of this research were Tri cellular operator users in Indonesia which were divided into three regions with a total sample of 400 respondents and conducted using non-probability sampling technique. Data processing tools was PLS-SEM and the findings indicated that there was a significant effect between service quality and loyalty. Moreover, this research can be used as a competitive strategy with business competitors, and can measure the quality performance provided by companies by looking at the level of consumer loyalty. |
Keywords: Cellular Operator, Indonesia, Loyalty, Service Quality, Tri. | ||
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