International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS) © 2023 by IJSMS Journal Volume-6 Issue-1 Year of Publication : 2023 Authors : Dr. Glenn R. Andrin, Christy Joy A. Gabrieles, Martha Joan R. Gregorio, Diodelia B. Gorgonio, Loren C. Brazil, Loutchin C. Capitin, Maricel G. Pulido, Jerum R. Dumale DOI: 10.51386/25815946/ijsms-v6i1p102 |
Citation: MLA Style: Dr. Glenn R. Andrin, Christy Joy A. Gabrieles, Martha Joan R. Gregorio, Diodelia B. Gorgonio, Loren C. Brazil, Loutchin C. Capitin, Maricel G. Pulido, Jerum R. Dumale "Organizational Support and Employees’ Commitment at the Local Government Units of Surigao City" International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS) V6.I1 (2023): 8-40. APA Style: Dr. Glenn R. Andrin, Christy Joy A. Gabrieles, Martha Joan R. Gregorio, Diodelia B. Gorgonio, Loren C. Brazil, Loutchin C. Capitin, Maricel G. Pulido, Jerum R. Dumale, Organizational Support and Employees’ Commitment at the Local Government Units of Surigao City, International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS), v6(i1), 8-40. |
Abstract: This study explored the level of Organizational Support and Employees’ Commitment at the Local Government Units of Surigao City. This study utilized the quantitative descriptive method of research to explore the aforementioned research sub-questions and accompanying hypotheses. The general approach of the study will be in the terminology of Mouton & Marais (1989), mainly descriptive (focusing on the classification of and interaction between variables) rather than explorative (investigating an entirely new phenomenon) or explanatory (focusing on cause and effect).This study made used of the purposive sampling technique in data gathering wherein all the 74 employees at the City Hall of Surigao were taken as respondents. This study will make use of a standardize instrument which contained questions. Questions1-36 comprise the Survey of Perceived Organizational Support (SPOS) which was developed by Eisenberg (1986) while questions 37-51 comprise the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) developed by Potter (1974). It was found out that Organizational Support is significantly correlated to Organizational Commitment which means to say that the higher the organizational support given to the employee by the organization would mean the higher their organizational commitment. |
Keywords: Correlation, Organizational Support, Commitment, descriptive survey design, Surigao City, Philippines . | ||
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