Assessing the Implementation of Citizen’s Charter and Challenges Encountered: Applicable Insights for Continuous Improvement of Frontline Services

International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS)
© 2024 by IJSMS Journal
Volume-7 Issue-5
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Christine B. Diocos
DOI: 10.51386/25815946/ijsms-v7i5p116
MLA Style: Christine B. Diocos "Assessing the Implementation of Citizen’s Charter and Challenges Encountered: Applicable Insights for Continuous Improvement of Frontline Services" International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS) V7.I5 (2024):185-195.

APA Style: Christine B. Diocos, Assessing the Implementation of Citizen’s Charter and Challenges Encountered: Applicable Insights for Continuous Improvement of Frontline Services, International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS), v7(i5), 185-195.
Good governance as defined by efficacy and efficiency, accountability, transparency, and responsiveness is crucial for achieving sustainable economic and social development. A key strategy for improving service delivery in organizations is the adoption of Citizen’s Charter (CC). This descriptive research study described the extent to which Citizens' Charters are being implemented at Iloilo State University of Fisheries Science and Technology and the challenges encountered by the respondents in its implementation. Thirty-eight (38) service providers and seventy-nine (79) service users of the frontline offices for January – July 2024 of the Iloilo State University of Fisheries Science and Technology Main Tiwi Site, Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo, Philippines were the respondents of the study. Results revealed that accessibility and awareness of the CC, transparency and timeliness of service delivery, service quality and professionalism, and monitoring and evaluation are substantially implemented as perceived by the respondents. The respondents considered limited knowledge of the Citizen’s Charter to be a significant challenge in its implementation. Respondents considered stakeholders' limited involvement in the charter formulation as a moderate challenge, followed by insufficient staff, complex documentation, insufficient monitoring and enforcement, and lack of training. Results show statistically significant differences in the respondents' views on the challenges in implementing the Citizen's Charter, such as limited involvement of stakeholders in the formulation and insufficient staff.
Keywords: Good Governance, Service Delivery, Quality, Accountability, Transparency, Client Satisfaction.
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