Graduate Tracer Study of BS Information Technology (BSIT) of St. Paul University Surigao College of Business and Technology 2017-2019

International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS)
© 2022 by IJSMS Journal
Volume-5 Issue-3
Year of Publication : 2022
Authors : Karen T. Plaza, MSIT, Melvin M. Ninal, PhD, Alcher J. Arpilleda, MAMT
DOI: 10.51386/25815946/ijsms-v5i3p105
MLA Style: Karen T. Plaza, MSIT, Melvin M. Ninal, PhD, Alcher J. Arpilleda, MAMT "Graduate Tracer Study of BS Information Technology (BSIT) of St. Paul University Surigao College of Business and Technology 2017-2019" International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS) V5.I3 (2022): 38-50.

APA Style: Karen T. Plaza, MSIT, Melvin M. Ninal, PhD, Alcher J. Arpilleda, MAMT, Graduate Tracer Study of BS Information Technology (BSIT) of St. Paul University Surigao College of Business and Technology 2017-2019, International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS), v5(i3), 38-50.
A tracer study is required to determine how effectively a university has succeeded in terms of strengthening its students' abilities and preparing them for the workplace. This paper aimed to determine the employability of BSIT graduates from the academic years 2017-2019revealing their demographic profile, the relevance of the program to employability, analysis of variance on the relevance of skills, curricular structure, and competencies as perceived by the respondents, and recommendations for curricular enhancements to expand their competitiveness. The data was collected using a modified Graduate Tracer Study instrument, an informal interview was also conducted. The study employed a descriptive method. Frequency and percentages, weighted mean, and Anova were used to statistically treat data collected through a questionnaire created through Google forms from 52 respondents respectively. The findings revealed that the majority of the respondents came from batch 2018. Most of them are males, single and the age ranges from 20-24 years old. Likewise, the majority of the respondents were regularly employed and working full-time. The study further revealed that most of the graduate’s employment classification were Government Officials, IT clerk /Staff and IT Technical Support Specialist and Managing Proprietor or Supervisor under a private sector and the major line of Business were from IT, BPO/KPO, Academe and Small and Medium Enterprise. Moreover, the graduates also claimed that their skills, curricular structure, and competencies were very relevant to their present job and contributed greatly to their performance. Furthermore, the respondents perceived that there is a significant degree of variance among the 3 dimensions under the relevance of the program of study to the respondents’ employability. To further enhance the marketability of the BSIT program and the employability of the graduates, one of the recommendations is the periodic review of the curriculum by academic leaders, alumni, and industry representatives to guarantee that graduates have the knowledge and skills that are required in the sector.
Keywords:Tracer Study, BSIT Graduates, Alumni Tracer, SPUS-BSIT.
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